Hope for Kidz | Sponsor Your Child | Hot Lunch Program | Coordinator Resources | Child Communication | FAQs
Feeling of HopelessnessThe need is great! The state of education in Haiti:
The cost of education in Haiti is high and inaccessible to the average Haitian. The state provision for educational services is weak. Private and parochial schools account for about 90% of primary schools. Although Haitians place a high value on education, few can afford to send their children. In Haiti’s overall development, education remains a key obstacle to economic and social advancement. Providing HopeHope for Kidz is a child sponsorship program founded by Reciprocal Ministries International (RMI) in 1999 to meet the educational and physical needs of Haitian children. RMI partners with schools that are part of the Evangelical Baptist Mission of Southern Haiti (MEBSH). MEBSH schools typically cover grades K-9. Children are chosen for sponsorship based on financial need.
Benefits to a Sponsored Child
Benefits to Sponsors
A Haitian Proverb states that “Hope gives man the reason to live”. The Hope for Kidz program is providing HOPE today for Haiti’s tomorrow! Make the Choice to Impact a Child’s Life TODAY! |
RMI Hope for Kidz Video - Field Update 2021
RMI Hope for Kidz Video - A Sponsor Is A Blessing
RMI Hope for Kidz Video - Haiti's Future Leaders