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Dispelling the DarknessHaiti is the only country in the Caribbean where most people either have no electricity or have no access to it.
Electricite of Haiti (EDH) and a few other small electric companies cover several cities. And then it is only for a few hours at a time. At present, no one in Haiti has 24/7 electricity. Most of Haiti is rural and do not have small power companies. People are forced to live in darkness. The only nighttime light they have access to are kerosene lamps or candles. It is by these lamps that most of Haiti’s children study or do their homework. The candle and lamp smoke often cause eye problems or diseases. Electricity provides opportunities to better their lives on many levels. It not only provides lights but the possibility to operate refrigerators and freezers; it enables people to have computers, charge cell phones, and other electronics. It enables their children to study without damage to their eyes. It enables families to better care for themselves. The SunTech team are experienced solar technicians who designs and installs solar power systems. We several standard systems designed to provide power solutions for churches, parsonages, schools, homes, orphanages, guest houses, and other applications, using the efficiency of solar. Another advantage of a church having electricity is that it is an evangelistic tool. Electricity will provide power for lights, a sound board, an electronic keyboard, mikes, fans and even several power strips for people to charge their phones. These things bring people in where they can hear and experience the Gospel. |
Our people need this kind of a program. It has the potential to transform so many lives. And being in a tropical country with so much sunshine, it makes sense to take advantage of this gift of God.
~National pastor |